Aug 18, 2021 Mrs Darlington's Marmalade & Fruit Loaf This marmalade and fruit loaf is a delicious alternative to traditional fruit cake. I have been making this cake for many years. It's deliciously moist, sweet and full of flavour. Preparation time : 15 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes to 1 hour Oven Temperature: Preheat to 180 degs C/ 160 degs C/ Gas 4 Makes 1. Ingredients:250ml of water226g/8oz sultanas2oz/50g butter10oz/300g self raising flour198g/7oz soft brown sugarPinch of salt2 dessert spoons of Mrs Darlington's Medium Cut Orange Marmalade2 large eggs, beaten Method: Grease and line a 2lb loaf tin. Put the water, sultanas, butter and Mrs Darlington’s Medium Cut Orange Marmalade in a pan. Bring to the boil for a few minutes and leave to go cold. Add the sugar and beaten eggs and stir until well combined. Mix in the flour and salt. Cook for approximately 45 minutes to one hour. (until a skewer placed in the centre comes out clean) Leave to cool in the tin before slicing.